© 2025 Tū Māia

Track record
Mahi roti

Tū Māia, has been working in Māori enterprise development for over 15 years collectively. Tū Māia has a track record in delivering kaupapa Māori innovation and enterprise capability programmes, including:

In 2016, we designed and delivered a first of kind 10 week accelerator programme for enterprises that had been invested in by Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu and Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu. Our programme involved six wānanga that addressed the core components of the startup journey. We trialed the key elements of the accelerator programme we propose in this response, including the curated structure of each wānanga.

In 2016, we delivered our second Tū Ake Wānanga, integrating the insights and improvements we gained from our first programme in 2014. This programme involved 70 participants in the early stage up stage for kaupapa Māori fitness initiatives that involved both for profit and social enterprise business models. In this programme we trialled our Kaupapa Canvas and other kaupapa Māori enterprise development tools to incredibly positive feedback. Over 2.5 days, we took participants through an accelerated programme to lift their idea from good to great through exposure to mentors and coaches, as well as structure their thinking across all of the foundational aspects of the startup stage.

Over the past four years, we have delivered more than 100 capability development programmes of specific areas of enterprise development. These workshops have been commissioned by Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu and have covered the following aspects of venture development:

  • Market fit;
  • Business model;
  • Business financial literacy;
  • Securing investment.

This programme is designed to grow the confidence, skills and tribal knowledge of leaders from each of the Ngāi Tahu marae. Over three wānanga, we have created a cohort of marae leaders that we believe will have lifelong relationships. The wānanga have connected participants to their place in an intergenerational journey, explored personal leadership qualities for Hapu level leadership at this time and developed skills to engage in future making. Participants leave the programme having commitments to the Iwi about how they intend to contribute to our future, created a personal development plan and gained a mixed set of skills.

We have established a Māori innovation lab that brings together rangatahi to create real world solutions for issues identified by our community. More information is available at mauilab.org.

A wānanga crossed with a Start Up weekend, we delivered a first of a kind kaupapa Māori innovation event that supported 15 ventures to go from good to great.

We have run a number of workshops on specific elements of venture development.

Tū Māia track record includes:
  • More than 100 enterprise capability development workshops across Te Waipounamu on specific aspects of venture development
  • More than 10 network development and inspirational events to ‘turn whanau on’ to the potential of enterprise
  • Two Tuara wananga, our version of a remixed kaupapa Māori ‘Start Up Weekend’ / innovation tournament type events
  • An accelerator programme for 15 participants, commissioned by Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu and supported by Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu