© 2025 Tū Māia

What we do
Ā Mātou Mahi

Tu Maia specialises in leadership, innovation and venture development of all kinds (for profit, social enterprise and kaupapa driven). We run events, design programmes, facilitate hui and create experiences that touch people in powerful ways. Our secret sauce is believing in our people and being relentlessly kaupapa driven.


Kaupapa Māori Innovation Tournaments

We create processes and programmes to help people and organisations unlock, nurture and implement innovation that suits their objectives. We have designed programmes for community, whānau and organisations that enable innovative potential to be recognised, explored and developed to the stage where it can be executed.


Kaupapa Māori Incubation and Acceleration Programmes

We create programmes, events and processes that help ventures move from a vague idea to real to flying. It’s often said that at the early stage of a new venture, the idea is the easy bit – actually pulling it off is the hard bit. We are experts in helping people build the skills, resources and team they need to pull off their ideas.


Tribal, Marae and Change Agent

We create programmes to build leadership of all kinds. We have designed and delivered a range of different leadership programmes, working with rangatahi, the pou of our marae, emerging leaders, corporate leaders and beyond. We customise each programme so that it matches the people and organisations we are working with.
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