Te Pāpori o Whakatere
What is it?
Te Pāpori o Whakatere is a structured capability development programme that aims to enable whānau to support invested transformation initiatives and change agents. The programme involves a series of wānanga that bring together inspiration, aspiration and skill developments, with a whānau feel. The programme is supported by a team of experienced entrepreneurs, mentors and specialists (lawyers, bankers, communications people and more) who will work with you on your initiative.
Te Pāpori o Whakatere is made up of three (two day) wānanga over a six week period aimed at supporting the development of whānau driven initiatives (innovation ideas, organisations, and approaches) that have the ability to create far reaching social impact for whānau. Te Pāpori o Whakatere supports the growth and development of initiatives through wānanga, networking and coaching.
A key outcome is to improve the sustainability of social initiatives in regards to their intended impact, and increase the pace at which this impact is achieved.
What will I experience?
You will gain customised support to address the areas that you know you need to look at, some insight into areas that perhaps weren’t even on your radar and a chance to have dedicated time with experts to garner their knowledge, tips and tenacity tricks.
You will have the chance to bolster some key components to making your kaupapa sustainable including systems, legal set up, branding, marketing, finances, insurance and planning.
You will get to close some gaps, spot some parts of your plan that maybe need a remix and refresh your focus on the stuff that matters to you and kaupapa in particular – in a supported environment with people carving our their own whanau ora futures.