© 2025 Tū Māia

About us
Ko wai mātou

Tū Māia

We are an entity that consolidates and celebrates longstanding collaborations between the Founding Partners: Sacha McMeeking, Cazna Luke and Janyne (Dottie) Morrison. Over the last few years, we’ve run hundreds of hui together, touched thousands of our people, created first of kind programs, been inspired, exhausted and exhilarated together. Tū Māia was born out of a shared vision for taking our passion for daring, growing and backing our own to the next level.

We believe in our people. We were the first long distance seafaring people. Our people have courage. We have histories filled with adaptation, acquisition and innovation. Our people are recognised as having entrepreneurial talents that are internationally off the charts. We have a future as a people that will be defined by what we imagine is possible and make real. Our people have, can and will continue to change the world.

Tū Māia exists to dare about people: to inspire and challenge our people to dream big, be audacious and see the widest possible horizons for change and transformation.

Tū Māia exists to grow our people: to nurture heartiness, to build skills, to broaden insight, to foster relationships that will support our people to make their visions for the future real.

Tū Māia exists to back our people: we are putting our money where our heart is to invest in our own- we will show that we believe in our people by backing them financially through a percentage of our revenue that will go in to an investment fund for Māori entrepreneurs.